
Everyone has their own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein they cannot be replaced, nor can their life be repeated; thus, everyone's task is unique as their specific opportunity to implement it. Adapted from Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning.

The Soul of each of us is given a unique daimon before we are born, and it has selected an image or pattern that we live on earth. This soul companion, the daimon, guides us here; in the process of arrival, however, we forget all that took place and believe we come empty into this world. The daimon remembers what is in your image and belongs to your pattern, and therefore your daimon is the carrier of your destiny. James Hillman's adaptation of Plato's Myth of Er, found in his book, The Soul’s Code.

Listen deeply to your inner voice

Fulfilling our calling, vocation, purpose, or mission is the emphasis I will be focusing on in my personal and consultation work in 2024. As the world polarizes more, it becomes vital to listen deeply to our inner voice, the wise counsel and resource within each of us, to find a path forward between the extremes toward transformation. If there is a qualitative way of being that you feel deeply connected to, such as truthful, grateful, generous, courageous, humorous, intelligent, creative, humble, or some aspect of similar form, in what way could you bring more of that way of being out into the world?

Your inner pattern, the seed of energetic potential that you came into this world germinating, may be ripened and is preparing to crack open. Have you been feeling it is time to nurture your inner potential into form? The spiritual practices of deep listening and feeling are tools that are needed; in order to listen deeply and feel what is vibrating from deep within oneself or within the global community, we all need to pause. Stop talking, stop seeking stimulation, and stop reacting to the temptations of anger, delusion, disgust, envy, fear, greed, lust, shame, and sorrow. We choose instead to walk a path of awareness and illuminate the qualitative cure for the temptation we have come to master. Consider which of the temptations you have become susceptible to in this lifetime and contemplate what the antidote is; whatever you have been tested by in life, you carry the antidote within you. Each of us is here for a reason, why not make time to discover it and be fulfilled!


Hope: Focus on Possibilities